This blog aims to gather together thoughts on things that sparked my interest when reading, so it’s something like a commonplace book. I may add a category for Linux too.

I sometimes address somewhat out-of-the way topics (though one man’s trackless waste conceals another man’s thoroughfare) and have often included hyperlinks as a way in to the context. Quotations in foreign languages aren’t always translated, but their point should be made clear by the surrounding English.

In the comments, my posts appear as “costaguana”. I might change that, too, when I work out how! Costaguana is the fictional Latin American country that is the backdrop to Conrad’s Nostromo.

Please note that to see the comments, you have to click on the post title. There aren’t many comments anyway. The WordPress theme I’m using — which determines the look of the page — has one other disadvantage, namely that links are distinguished only by an almost invisible pale grey line underneath. If you don’t use a browser with hinting (such as Vimprobable), the mouse will help: the line turns black when you point at the link.

The drawing of the Praça de Apipucos at the top of the page is by Márcio Santos.

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